Pulication is easy!

  • How it works?

You can meet to discuss with me in University of Malaya, faculty of engineering. Or, you can do it completely online. Just send your article by email. You will receive a reply with an assessment about your article. Then pay online bank transfer, get your article in ready-to-submit format by email. Easy!

  • How it will be reviewed?

Microsoft word 2007 has a review option. After reviewing you will receive email with 2 attachment file.

One file will show all the reviews and editing in red mark-up. You can see each and every changes made in your article.

Another file will be completely edited to ready-to-submit format. You don't have to work on that any more.

  • How much it costs?

It depends on your article size, type of service you need (revise, grammatical check, rewrite, adding reference, submitting, finding an ISI journal for your article etc.). So send your article to get assessment with a quote.

  • How to Contact?

Feel free to ask by email (publication.easy@gmail.com). Or call at 0163827684 (email is preferable).

Payment terms: Online banking transfer prior to delivery.

Preferred Currency: RM.


  • Why editing and reviewing is important?

The findings you reported in a paper may be cutting edge, but poor language quality –including errors in grammar, spelling or language usage– could delay publication or could lead to outright rejection of the paper, preventing the research from getting the recognition it deserves. So, get your potential research work reviewed to get that published!

Thesis/Scientific paper(journal or conference)/research proposal. Get service from a reviewer of Elsevier and Springer-link (Netherlands).

Thank you.