Most common question faced by any proofreader is "How much will you charge?"
Problem is, this question can not be answered by a single line. As Publication.EASY has range of services for thesis, journal/conference article, research proposals, we can not assess the charge without knowing your preferred or required services. Most convenient way to solve it is, just send it to us by email to or
Do you know, how much does it cost to edit a decent article in Elsevier LANGUAGE EDITING SERVICES ?
Elsevier charges over 225USD. 250USD is starting price. Moreover, you have to pay by credit card. No paypal, no local bank transfer.
What Publication.EASY offers you?
- Easy payment. Online bank transfer in local banks of Australia/ Malaysia. For other countries, we accept paypal.
- Customised service. You can ask for a special service through email.
- Quick delivery (within 3 days for papers below 6000 words)
- All editing service charge starts from A$50 i.e. RM 150, only.
- For M.Sc./PhD thesis editing: 800RM- 1500RM only (for 20,000words depending service type.
- Finally, you may not need to pay for it, if you can manage your supervisor to pay from his research grant. We will provide invoice.
Happy Publishing!
Send your article at