Most postgrads do not have any budget for editing. At the end of the paper/thesis submission they feels the urgency to take help from a professional proofreader. But most proofreaders will check grammars only, which you can easily do by any grammar check software. But you need a professional proofreader specialised in research manuscript editing. Research manuscript editing takes longer time than normal document editing as it requires technical knowledge and long academic background. Allow us some time to work on your manuscript for better success rate. It will take longer than a software to edit it, but we will save weeks of hard work in review hustle.

Most common question faced by any proofreader is "How much will you charge?"
Problem is, this question can not be answered by a single line. As Publication.EASY has range of services for thesis, journal/conference article, research proposals, we can not assess the charge without knowing your preferred or required services. Most convenient way to solve it is, just send it to us by email to or

Do you know, how much does it cost to edit a decent article in Elsevier LANGUAGE EDITING SERVICES ?

Elsevier charges over 225USD. 250USD is starting price. Moreover, you have to pay by credit card. No paypal, no local bank transfer. 

What Publication.EASY offers you?

- Easy payment. Online bank transfer in local banks of Australia/ Malaysia. For other countries, we accept paypal.
- Customised service. You can ask for a special service through email.
- Quick delivery (within 3 days for papers below 6000 words)
- All editing service charge starts from A$50 i.e. RM 150, only.

- For M.Sc./PhD thesis editing: 800RM- 1500RM only (for 20,000words depending service type.
- Finally, you may not need to pay for it, if you can manage your supervisor to pay from his research grant. We will provide invoice.

Happy Publishing!

Send your article at

There is a deep irony in the public funding of science. Billions are spent by governments to fund research in science and medicine. This research is done by scientists, many of whom are employed by government, through research institutes and universities. The results of this research are published in journals. However, even though the research is paid for the public, the public cannot freely access it. But its all done on public money.
Indeed, it strikes me as profoundly weird when I read a news article about some great new research finding but I can't simply click on a link and see the raw article.

Moreover, the scientists themselves can't freely access it. Even though the scientists did the research, they must pay the owners of these journals to publish the articles. Before that happens, the editors of the journals ask other scientists to peer-review the article, which is also done for free. When the article is accepted, to see the finished article, even if it's just a PDF, the author of the article has to pay for a subscription to the journal. It's essentially a billion dollar gravy train for the handful of scientific publishing conglomerates out there, Reed-Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and Macmillian.

There is something broken about this system.

Nevertheless, the open-access revolution has happened slowly as these pioneers had to fumble around looking for a workable payment system. And for many years, open-access has been considered fringe, and did not appear to be able to threaten the big science journals such as Nature, Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Courtesy: Bosco
  • How it works?

You can meet to discuss with me in University of Malaya, faculty of engineering. Or, you can do it completely online. Just send your article by email. You will receive a reply with an assessment about your article. Then pay online bank transfer, get your article in ready-to-submit format by email. Easy!

  • How it will be reviewed?

Microsoft word 2007 has a review option. After reviewing you will receive email with 2 attachment file.

One file will show all the reviews and editing in red mark-up. You can see each and every changes made in your article.

Another file will be completely edited to ready-to-submit format. You don't have to work on that any more.

  • How much it costs?

It depends on your article size, type of service you need (revise, grammatical check, rewrite, adding reference, submitting, finding an ISI journal for your article etc.). So send your article to get assessment with a quote.

  • How to Contact?

Feel free to ask by email ( Or call at 0163827684 (email is preferable).

Payment terms: Online banking transfer prior to delivery.

Preferred Currency: RM.


  • Why editing and reviewing is important?

The findings you reported in a paper may be cutting edge, but poor language quality –including errors in grammar, spelling or language usage– could delay publication or could lead to outright rejection of the paper, preventing the research from getting the recognition it deserves. So, get your potential research work reviewed to get that published!

Thesis/Scientific paper(journal or conference)/research proposal. Get service from a reviewer of Elsevier and Springer-link (Netherlands).

Thank you.