14 key issues journal reviewers are asked to check. MUST Check these before submission

Reviewers are told to check following 14 things in you article. If you want to avoid rejection, check your article on the basis of these 14 questions. Happy reading!

1. Does the subject fall within the general scope of the journal?
Is the topic of the manuscript appropriate for the Journal?
2.Is this a new and original contribution?
3.Is the information of significant interest to the readers?
4.Is the title accurate and sufficiently descriptive of the content?
5.Is the abstract sufficiently informative, especially when read in isolation?
6.Are appropriate keywords given? Are the statistical methods used correct and adequate?
7.Is the organisation of the article satisfactory?
8.Does the content justify the length?
9.Are the methods appropriate and scientifically sound?
10.Are the conclusions supported by the data presented?
11. Are the tables and figures well designed and add to understanding of the text?
12.Is information in the tables and figures redundant?.
13. Are the references cited the most appropriate to support the manuscript?
14.Should the manuscript be shortened?


Publication.Easy is offering research manuscript editing service. Proofreading research articles, theses, reports, research proposals require something more than just grammar and punctuation check to get published. 

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